Shining a Light: A New Home For Community Services

case study by public relations specialists

Scope: For more than 29 years, Bread of Life has supported Houston’s underserved community by meeting needs related to hunger, disaster, and the pandemic. After rebuilding from a devastating warehouse fire, Bread of Life relaunched its monthly food and supply distribution to continue to serve the community from a new location. The objective of our campaign was to raise awareness about Bread of Life’s monthly food and supply distributions and shine a light on its breadth of services.

Tools: Social Media, Public Relations, Community Relations

The Challenge

  • Secure media coverage for each monthly distribution

  • Alert the community of the events to maximize attendance

  • Engage the community to create greater awareness of Bread of Life

The Plan

  • Create social media content for before, during and after the event

  • Coordinate media coverage of events and related stories

  • Publicize the event’s success via social media and post-event press releases

The Outcomes


  • 6,000 families served between June & September 2021

  • 26 TV and Print News Placements, 4.6 mil audience reached, +$120k publicity value

  • +957 new followers across all platforms, +154% increase in engagements

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